Well seeing as this is my first ever blog, I thought it wise to introduce you to strange old me, and to where I find myself. I wont bore you with what you can read in my bio already. So.... simply I fell into the teaching profession by absolute accident but loved it so much that I went back to Uni to get a post grad teaching qualification. Back home I find myself in the science and biology classrooms and laboratories of high schools, while in South Korea I teach English to the same age group.
This experience has taught me that it is easy to speak your mother-tongue but not always simple to explain it. It has also meant brushing up on the bits and bobs of those English lessons I used to daydream through, when I myself was a student.
What I haven't mentioned so far is that I can be rather...Hmmmmm...lazy (?) at times and thus wonder about the success of keeping a blog going??? Anyway, we'll see...
so stay tuned and keep in touch for a little bit of Al in So-Ko :)
congratulation! XD