Wednesday 20 June 2012

(funny) Inappropriate signage

If you have spent any time in Korea whatsoever, you would know that it is a place rife with hilarious translations, ridiculous spelling and sometimes inappropriate signage.  All of this goes hand in hand with what is known as "Konglish"(a mixture of Korean and English within the same phrase, or sometimes even the same word).  For example:  'Thank you very kamsa' ( thank you very thanks).  Konglish seldom makes sense but often gets used along with frantic flapping of the arms and other weird body language to communicate effectively.

Last week I was walking around my neighbourhood and I came across the following restaurant/ coffee shop.  It had me giggling all the way home.

ROBOcock, the local hangout...

I will be keeping a lookout for more amusing signs to put out here for you all to see.


  1. Love it! More please, more Robocock....

  2. HAHAHA careful what you wish for, Kiksi !
